ઇઉ Outdoor ℭhristmas ℳarket at ℜue D'Antibes ઇઉ
❄ When: Tomorrow December 10th - 30th 2010, the Market is Open
❄ Where: South Side Market Square
✲ℱree Gifts, §now, Lights, & ℭhristmas Shopping at ℜue✲
✲ℱree Gifts, §now, Lights, & ℭhristmas Shopping at ℜue✲
✰ It's the Holiday §eason at ℜue D'Antibes and we are holding an Outdoor ℳarket! The main square is snowed in and we have lovely red stands filled with items fit for the Winter §eason, all from your favorite vendors at ℜue!
✰The Market will have new Open Stands & Gifts arriving all through the month of December✰
✰ Wonderful Free Gifts are waiting for you beneath the Christmas Tree in the Market square from our Vendors to you, so don't forget to stop by and pick one out!
∻Happy Holidays & ℳerry ℭhristmas from ℜue ∻
..::: Participating Stores :::..
(thus far...)
✦ = Open Stand
❄= Gift Under Tree
I s2 Posey ✦
Black Karbon ✦ ❄
Marcco Andretti Interiors ✦❄
FT Design ✦❄
Trompe Loeil ✦
UR Dogs ✦❄
Retro ❄
Retro ❄
Designer Prims ✦❄
Felini Couture
Indyra Originals ✦❄
Indyra Originals ✦❄
{Zeery} Color Couture ✦❄
Di's Opera ✦❄
Sweaty Badger ✦ ❄
UrbanizeD ✦❄
NoiRiLiCiouS ✦❄
Calico Ingmann Creations
Sher's Cottage Gardens ✦❄
Sher's Cottage Gardens ✦❄